MCTAMA annual meeting December 14, 2019
Howdy past and present MCTAMA members, we just wanted to touch base with you to let you know about the annual MCTAMA meeting. It will be on Saturday December 14, 2019, 2pm to 5pm. The location will be the Richland Community Center. We will have a short business meeting and election of board members at 2pm, then a music jam. You may bring some finger food for snacks if you wish. Come in the main entrance, take a right down the hallway to the meeting room.
During our business meeting, one of our tasks will be to elect officers and board members. Directors and officers attend monthly board meetings, helping to make decisions for the betterment of the association. If you would like to be run for a position, please contact Reade Obern (509)492-1555. We are also in need of volunteers for the Bluegrass festival. Let Reade know if you want to help.
Now is also the time to renew your membership. Dues are the same , $15 for an individual, or $30 for a family. Please support us by re-joining. Attached is a membership application that you can mail with a check.
We have an active facebook page that we keep updated with jams and activities. We appreciate your support of live, local music.